
We are honored that you are here. 

Over the course of my life I always felt that there was a deeper understanding that stayed just out of my consciousness, yet the ‘pull’ towards Authentic Truth was always there.  Along the way I had many life experiences that would prove to be great gifts when looked at from a place of Love and Wisdom anchored in Gratitude. And little by little, when my heart was ready, I began lifting the veil.  As I opened to my Truth, I began to experience significant upliftment in my life.  That’s when I knew I was ready to take the next step.  Shortly thereafter,  I became certified in my first energy healing modality, Avesa!  The recognition of my Truth came in and I finally felt that I was home!!!  As I sit here now in remembrance of this time I bring my hand to my heart, take a big clearing breath and say ‘thank you’.

When you realize you are a part of a greater Love AND allow abundant flow in to your life, be prepared for miracles to come to you. 

And so I say to you, “By trusting myself, my Soul’s intention is to live my Truth so that I may help to awaken the truth in others”.

Soul Currents was started by Evan Anderson and Rebecca Pelletier to bring forward the beautiful healing energies of both Avesa and Reiki healing modalities, and that of our crystal allies.  We have always had a vision of opening a Center for healing and learning, and to bring the powerful healing properties of crystals out into the world. 

Through this Love and Divine inspiration, Soul Currents was born. 

We see you, We Love you, We honor you.

Many blessings,
