Healing Services


Avesa Quantum™ Balancing              

$88 (45 minutes)

“Beyond space and time is the quantum field… your soul knows the way… are you listening?”

 AVESA™ (Sanskrit).  The purest meaning is Divine Empowerment. This is an energetic balancing session, otherwise known as the “20 Minute Miracle”, bringing clients into the Quantum field and higher realms, allowing the chakras of the body to balance and heal, and offering Ascension energies to assist in inner peace and wholeness.  Results vary: most often those who have experienced this profound gift report diminished physical symptoms, a greater feeling of Peace, ability to manifest, clarity of life purpose, and true connection with their Divine being-ness.

Everything in the Universe is Energy vibrating at different rates.  AVESA™ creates a sacred space in which your own Divine Creative energy is accelerated so you can experience and enhance the amazing wonder of Your own unique expression of Energy as a Conscious, Co-creative and Divinely empowered being. It is a time enfolding experience.

Avesa Quantum™ Balancing Technique™ can be offered remotely via distance healing.

Integrated Healing Session – First Time         

$120 (90-120 minutes)

Session includes Avesa Quantum™ Balancing, full Reiki Treatment and soul-based life coaching.

Integrated Healing Session can also be offered remotely via distance healing.

Integrated Healing Session – Returning Clients        

$100 (90 minutes)

Session includes Avesa Quantum™ Balancing, full Reiki Treatment and soul-based life coaching.

Integrated Healing Session can also be offered remotely via distance healing.

Integrated Healing Sessions –Package Program         

$558 – 6 sessions (10% discount)

$866 -10 sessions (15% discount)

$977 -12 sessions (20% discount)

Full payment due upon sign-up

Sessions include Avesa Quantum™ Balancing, full Reiki Treatment and soul-based life coaching.

Integrated Healing Sessions – Package Program can also be offered remotely via distance healings.

AVESA Quantum Healing™ Atlantean Chamber™


Avesa Quantum Healing™ Atlantean Chamber™ is a Divine gift that offers energetic balance and integration of the body, mind, and spirit.  All three, seen as one unit, must be balanced and harmonized for optimum well being. The Atlantean Healing Chamber™ is a two-day healing experience that brings clients into a state of suspended animation, calling in the 7th dimension and beyond.  The client’s Guides, spiritual teachers, and ascended masters work together through the healer (energetic conduit) to fully In-soul with the Universal Divine, therefore facilitating total healing. This is a spiritual experience: every aspect of this work honors your recognition of the Divine at work through your free will.  All changes that occur are based upon, and are in alignment with, your choice.

Avesa Quantum Healing™ Atlantean Chamber™ can be offered remotely via distance healing (at the practitioner’s discretion).

Avesa™ Medical Intuitive Scan & Integrated Healing Session    


An Avesa™ Medical Intuitive views symptoms from an energetic point of view.  This model offers insight into the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energies that contribute to the body’s expression of symptoms.  Once an intuitive scan is completed, the data can reveal unconscious patterns that are affecting one’s health and harmony.  The intention of a Medical Intuitive’s work is to offer one insights and recommendations that can shift the energy flow that underlies the present symptoms.  Changing the energy patterns often offers relief and supports the body’s natural healing ability.  These insights form the basis for recommendations which can enhance the quality of one’s life experience.

Session includes an initial intuitive scan, scan write-up illustrating energy flow and patterning and an Integrated Healing session.

Avesa™ Medical Intuitive Scan and Integrated Healing Session can also be offered remotely via distance healing.

Avesa™ Medical Intuitive Program Package             


Package includes an initial intuitive scan, scan write-up illustrating energy flow and patterning, 12 weeks of Integrated Healing sessions to include Avesa Quantum™ Balancing, full Reiki Treatment, soul-based life coaching, plus a 2-day Avesa Quantum Healing™ Atlantean Chamber™ and a final scan.

Avesa™ Medical Intuitive Program Package can also be offered remotely via distance healings.


Quantum Clairvoyant Reading              


By opening Quantum energy channels that illuminate greater healing presence, a Quantum Clairvoyant Reading provides information and healing to assist in the journey of soul discovery.

Quantum Clairvoyant Readings can also be offered remotely via distance readings.

Reiki (First and Second Degree Reiki Classes/Initiations)        

Usui Reiki is the gentlest and easiest to learn healing art available in the world today, as well as being one of the most outstanding methods of spiritual development.  Classes offered upon request.

Munay-Ki: 9 Rites of Initiation

The Munay-Ki are the nine great rites of initiation of the medicine way. The word munay means “I love you” or “BE AS THOU ART.” The Munay-Ki are the nine gates that heal us and transform our human energy field into that of homo luminous.

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about a new human appearing on the planet – one who lives free of fear and resides in his or her transcendent nature. The Munay-Ki are the codes for the new human. They are delivered in the form of energetic transmissions. The ninth rite, the “Creator Rite” was transmitted for the first time in the summer of 2006 at the Holy Mountains in the Andes. The nine initiations of the Munay-Ki have only been available until recently to the high wisdom keepers of the Americas.

*** The 9 Rites of the Munay-Ki are provided freely.  Should you wish to learn more about receiving the Rites without scheduling session(s) for energy healing, please let me know.

Also, the 9 Rites of initiation can be combined with 6 integrated healing sessions:

$528 – 6 Avesa Quantum™ Balancings / 9 Rites of Initiation

Package includes 6 Avesa Quantum Balancing healing sessions (see above for more specific description), together with energetic transmissions of the 9 initiations of the great rites of the Munay-Ki (given freely).